Note: Last night, while posting an Instagram picture of myself with my dear friend Tavis Smiley in honor of his 2000th episode on PBS, I had a flash of the spirit and wrote what you will read below on my iPhone. It was then& ...
lists tavis smiley
Today, Tavis Smiley - the race-baiting cohort of Cornel West - appeared this morning on Meet The Press to drag down the president after his stirring address on Friday. In that appearance, Smiley pejoratively asked Prof.
The Hollywood Walk of Fame committee chair David Green has announced the 2014 list of honorees. The list includes talk show host Tavis Smiley and rapper Tupac Shakur, who will be honored posthumously, according to& ...
Tavis Smiley, Trayvon Martin, Racial Profiling, MLK Dream.
Note: Last night, while posting an Instagram picture of myself with my dear friend Tavis Smiley in honor of his 2000th episode on PBS, I had a flash of the spirit and wrote what you will read below on my iPhone. It was then& ...
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